A Millennial Interpretation of Tony Robbin’s “Ten Rules for Success”: how applying it can change your life and/or impress your mom

Tony’s Ten Rules for Success

(Unauthorized Interpretation by: Beau Didier)

Oooohhh, be careful, Beau. Don’t f*ck this up funny man…

Be honest, that’s what you thought when you read this title.

That’s ok.

Subject matter I’ve written about in the past dictates you should think that way. Last week my mom told me she was cutting me off if I made any further references to strippers. She doesn’t support me financially anymore, but I respected the threat.

I mention my mom talking about naked women to stress a point. I’ve written about some cheap, crude stuff in the past. As much as she wants me to change, I do too.

So, I’m going to try and tackle some topics with substance; some things that inspire me. I’ll start with this post.


As a millennial, it holds versatile meaning. We see it a little differently. We live in an era of knowledge where information is readily available–whether you want it or not. Vocation is vast and limitations are meek. Success, for us, is different.

Over the past year and a half I’ve cultivated a personal definition of success. I’ve enjoyed recognizing what fulfills me and what motivates me.

I developed my definition with the help of Tony and his Ten Rules. I call him Tony because it makes me feel better about myself. Success.

(Tony Robbins, if you are unfamiliar, is one of the most respected and well-sought motivators in the world. He created Ten Rules for Success, based upon principles of mind state, growth, belief, and his knowledge of business. I guarantee I will write about him later, but for now, that’s all you need to know… If you’re still unsure, think “Shallow Hal” and “banana hands”.)

Below is how I’ve interpreted and applied his principles to my life. These rules have helped me because as a millennial I believe in certain things. The opportunity for growth is ever-present and education is unremitting. This is an amazing time to live. I hope these laws shed the same light for you, too.

Blow me, dude.

You just thought that to yourself. Again, that’s ok. I re-read the last paragraph and instinctively sent myself a text message saying the same thing.



1. Raise your standards


This is not referring to who you spend your free time with or who you date, unless you date strip–no. No more.

Your standards become a part of your blueprint. They are what make you and they determine what you do. When people diet, almost inevitably, they regress. That’s because it’s not a standard. It’s not a must for them. It’s something they should do. Within two weeks they are back abusing carbohydrates and fondling saturated fat. But, when you make your body, and it’s health, a personal standard (a must), you make real change. That is because you live up to your standards.

Standards can be created, too. It’s important to know that they are not predetermined. Some are, like beliefs imparted from your parents or family, but they can also be cultivated. They are reflective of your blueprint. Who do you want to be and who do you consider yourself to be? When you answer those questions, standards will follow, and you will not break them. The power lies in knowing that it is your choice: you create and believe in the standards that shape the person you want to be.

(I am not getting self-righteous on you, I promise. Anyone who has seen me outside of my home on Friday and Saturday evenings knows not to mistake me, or my opinion, as something with psychological merit.)

Personal Example: I want to be a better writer; someone who brings information and laughter to others via the written word. I’ve known this for a long time. But, I only worked towards it when it was convenient. It was something I should do in my spare time. Now, I’ve made it a must. There hasn’t been a day in the past year–minus substantial hangovers–where I have not written at least 500 words or read 50 pages. I won’t let myself do anything less because I know it is what is necessary to improve; to meet my standards.

2. Be truly fulfilled


I’m skeptical to urge people–especially my age–to always chase their passions. I say that because in this current time, Instagram has distorted many notions of responsibility and work-ethic. If you’ve heard: “like, life is too short. I want to travel and be free”, then, you know I’m right. You also can probably picture multiple friends or acquaintances in your life saying that, wearing dog ears and extending tongues…

I make reference to that generic–but relevant–false mantra because fulfillment of success isn’t about doing things for yourself; not entirely. Achieving success is when what you do brings value and love to others. Fulfillment will follow when what you do, when your work, brings merit to other people. Do not disregard responsibility and work ethic (aforementioned IG hipsters) because it doesn’t make you happy. Disregard that type of work if when you do it you aren’t making other people happy.

In my brief vocational career, in sales, I’ve noticed one truth above all else: The best sales representatives and the best managers, when they work with their customers, bring real value and real happiness. Obviously, making your passion your work should always be of paramount priority. But that can be difficult, as we know. Make people a passion. If you do that, fulfillment will meet you in all aspects of life.


3. Progress equals happiness

This rule, amongst a few others, has resonated with me on a deeper level than I could have anticipated.

“Life,” T-Rob says, “is growth.”

When you stop growing, you die, literally or figuratively, depending how gruesome you want to get. I’ve committed myself towards the growth of what I love to do. I love to write, make people laugh, improve my mind, and dominate small children in pick-up basketball. I’m committed to those, which is easy, in part, because they will always demand growth. There are more blogs popping up and young kids are learning the Euro-step. My passions will always demand improvement.

When you stop working to improve, what becomes the point? What is your purpose? Initially, about a year back, I would have a made a sincere effort to sack tap the dude who posed those questions.

“Uhh, the point is point is working to make enough money so you can sit by a pool and date models.”

I thought that in earnest. I thought early retirement and freedom from work was the goal. That was the end game. But that logic fails pretty easily upon any moralistic scrutiny.

Who are you helping?

How are you making others happy–aside from the models you buy things for–in this retirement living?

Growth should never stop and your career goals should not be viewed that way. Find what you love now, what allows you to bring happiness to others, and work at it the rest of your life.

“Make your vocation your vacation. That is the key to success.” – Mark Twain



4. Love your customers

Obviously, Tony was primarily directing this to those in sales. It is a rule that anyone can derive benefit, though, even if their success is the monetization of wearing Yoga pants and a body weight squat.

Apply this to everyone you meet. Know, without fail, that everyone you come across in your day wants to be happy, just like you. Knowing that will allow for interaction that isn’t tainted by agendas or pre-conceived feelings. You may think someone is a dick, but if you know that they want happiness too, like you, you will disregard negative feelings you may have towards them.

Loving your customers means bringing them value. That value can be work related or it can be sincere caring. Because I journal and spend a lot of time wandering the streets of Korea, the way I can bring love is by writing stuff like this. I study this type of ish (mindset, health, fitness models most inclined to respond to DM, etc) in hopes of imparting some goodness to you. No matter what your occupation, if your intentions are selfless, and your aim is love, the result will always be better.

Success is using your abilities and talents to make others happy; to bring them love.

***Sooner or later the disingenuous salesman with the best numbers that is driven by tactics and manipulation will fade–maybe get hit by a bus.


5. Add value

I was lucky enough in my most recent job to work for a boss that stressed this rule every day. He wanted us to bring actual values to our customers, not surface level technique to acquire their business. He challenged us to work to help their business–not just take it. I’ve taken those lessons with me to every phase of life.

What are your talents and what are your passions? How can you use them to bring values to others? If you can answer those, with workable action, you’ve found your value. When your value brings that same feeling to another, you’re doing it. You’re legit.

Knowing that you bring value to customers through your work will create a personal standard that demands perpetual improvement to your craft. Knowing you bring value to people because of who you are as a person… that’s something you should celebrate with champagne and stri–friends.

Customers will come to need you if you can bring them value; not just a product. That is true in commerce as it is in life. Be the friend that people always want around because you provide value. You bring laughter and love and sincerity. Wealth and success are much more than money. In nowhere is that more apparent than the value you bring to the people you meet.


6. Have an exit strategy

Immediately jokes for one night stands came to mind. Good ones, too. But, as you know, I don’t want to disappoint the important women in my life anymore. I’m talking to you, Nancy, Kayce, Aunt Janie, Emma Watson… So, no joke(s).

Of the 10 rules, this was the most heavily business laden. I’ve interpreted and applied it in a more purposeful sense. Interpretation is brief.

Be pragmatic in pursuit of your happiness.

What I mean, is, always keep your passion in mind, but do not overlook societal obligations (money, support, necessities, buying meals for your mother, etc). I don’t want to preach, which I think I’ve done too much of anyways, but as you work, always have a way in which you can fulfill your creative purpose. Make people your passion, in the meantime, but keep an exit strategy with personal goals in mind.

Example: Love your job in sales because of the people you get to spend time with. At night, start a blog or spend time writing a book, because you love to write… Random, completely unrelated example.


7. Be resourceful

“The single greatest resource you can have is resourcefulness itself.” – T Robins.

This statement has done more for me than any other quotation I’ve ever come across. How many times do we, as individuals or collectively, attribute our failings to lack of resources?

I didn’t make it because coach didn’t give me a chance…If I would have had their opportunities I would have made it too…

You’ve thought things like that and so have I. It’s natural. It’s also crippling. People who have met their success have a mind state that doesn’t allow them to fail. Their resourcefulness won’t let them. They will optimize the resources they have and they will meet their standard.

You will succeed because you control your choices and you set your standards. That is hard to believe; it’s hard for me. But when you firmly place your faith in yourself, knowing that you are more than enough, resources become luxuries–lagniappe.

I didn’t make a joke or satirical remark for the last 168 words. I counted.


8. Pay attention to the little things

I tie this into mindfulness practice.

As amazing as it is to live in this era, where knowledge is at your fingertips, if abused, that distraction can be a detriment. Making the effort to limit multi-tasking and to singularly focus on the individual present is a special thing. Making that a standard, to be in the present–always–is a whole other accomplishment. I enjoy going to the bar with friends, keeping my phone in my pocket, mindfully present on my ex-girlfriends cleavage. (Mom, Kayce, Aunt Janie, Emma, that isn’t disingenuous of me. I am not sexist and I believe in the feminist right. But, as a guy, cleavage is pleasant attribute; no objectification intended.)

***I was of the mindset previously that to be successful in competitive business/sales, you had to be an adept multi-tasker; that is true for some people, I won’t write to disprove that. My previous manager is a rock-star and worked best when she was knocking out things simultaneously. But for me, and I think it will be true for most millennials, when you singularly focus you become much more efficient. When you write an email, write an email. When you read a report or a study, read a report or a study. I know those are profound statements, but try it. You might be amazed at the clarity and acute thoughts that will follow. Thanks.


9. Look for leverage


I don’t want to sound like a cheesed*ck… I probably will, but I will be genuine.

There is something about you, as an individual, that is completely unique to the world. As powerful as that notion is, it is even more powerful putting it into use.

Look for ways in which you–what you say and how you act–can specifically help another person. It is one of the more gratifying feelings one can experience knowing that you brought joy to someone by being who you are.


10. Change your mindset 

I think this Rule should be number one or two, but Tony seemed set on the order when I mentioned it.

On a small white board that I keep in my bathroom–to stare at when making poops–I have a statement written in capitalization:


I have worked to make this statement a personal standard. I want this to become a part of my blueprint, firmly resolute. My mindset stems from this affirmation.

There will be hardship and there will be setbacks in our lives; those are certainties. Things will happen that cause us to suffer and push us into non action. Do not misunderstand me, it is ok to grieve. When difficult and terrible things happen you should feel pain. That is part of being human. But never forget that you will always be in control of how you respond. You will always be in control of the outcome if you commit to action. Those who have achieved their success have done it because they knew their standards and they were completely in control of the actions that success demanded.

To anonymously quote a close friend of mine, who I will leave anonymous because he is a successful collegiate coach, “Nobody gets f*cked”. That may not be the most eloquent statement, but it’s powerful. YOU control your body and your actions. You failed because you chose to blame, and you took refuge in an excuse. Why focus those on bad breaks and mishap? Learn from them: know that they will make you stronger and will only bring you closer to your success

2 Thoughts

  1. I am hooked! Your dear Mom read me excerpts at lunch last week after a movie. She skipped over the good parts so of course I had to read it from beginning to end on my own. All parts included…😆The movie was “The Last Word”, journalism is my passion too. Keep up the good work!


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